The Benefits of Facebook

One July weekend, I got to talking with a friend about the benefits of Facebook. Most commonly I come across commentary on the value add of social media to a business. This ranges of course from the marketing/branding standpoint, to customer service and interaction with customers, etc. But what I…

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Introduction to Kayaking

On the first day of summer, I tried something new, something I’ve wanted to do for some time. I tried kayaking. It’s a relatively new interest of mine, starting several years in to my time in DC. I would walk along the Georgetown waterfront early in the weekend mornings and…

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Buddhist Center of Dallas

Originally I planned to go to San Antonio for Memorial Day weekend, and was looking forward to visiting old missions outside of San Antonio, the riverwalk, and of course, the Alamo. That was until ‘they’ – the weather people – began calling for rain, a lot of it. I watched…

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