New Camera Fun

I recently bought a new camera, a Nikon with a higher resolution and more aptitude for low light photos, which was a long time coming. I’d had my camera for many years, and had periodically window shopped for cameras. And now that I’ve had my new camera for almost a…

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free writing

I haven’t done much free writing lately. You know, the kind where you sit down and just…write. Where there’s no editing. Whatever comes out of the pen is what is staying on the page. And I think, though without much free writing experience lately, it is easier to do longhand…

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beach weekend

I returned home late last night from a great, much-needed few days away at the beach. I unplugged and basically…hung out. Each morning I was there, I woke up early and walked in the surf, listening to only the ocean surf and maybe the occasional seagull or two. Noise machines…

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This past week marked the official first day of summer. Well…summer needs to catch up with the rest of the world. Here in DC we’ve already hit 100. Yes, you read that correctly. Thankfully we since cooled down some. But back to summer. I started thinking about summer ages ago…

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weekend getaways

Yesterday hardly felt like a Monday morning. It felt more like a Sunday morning and I should still have had plenty of time to drink my coffee, work on my novel and get the day going. But no, my alarm did not go off accidentally yesterday morning. I think part…

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