
It is easy to vacate in a place like Montana. I woke up with the morning light and took my cup of coffee outside with a book, and even later took my laptop out to work on the novel. After all, it’s also easy to be inspired when your scenery…

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It should be no surprise to anyone in the mid-Atlantic area that we went through a heatwave. And given the calls from friends and family around the country, much of the rest of the country knew it too. It broke by the end of the weekend, but it was a…

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I’ve lived in DC for several years now. One thing I haven’t done in those years is to watch the fireworks on July 4 from the Mall. Sure, I’ve seen the fireworks before. My first year here I went to Arlington, VA to watch the fireworks (and other shows in…

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Adventures in Italian

I’m currently taking Italian lessons and have a slightly amusing story for language nerds like me, and figured it might a worthwhile post. I have talked with several people about how there must be a part of one’s brain for foreign languages: this is why when learning a second foreign…

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Beach Afternoon

Clearly, as evidenced by my last very brief post, I was recently at the beach. I didn’t write much more in my last post, as I was still operating on that relaxing feeling that comes only with visiting the ocean – that gentle lull one gets put into after watching,…

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Spent the weekend here: I love the ocean. I always have. The moment I see it in the distance, it just feels like everything is golden. I can take a deep breath, sigh, sit back under the sun and be. More to come!

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