The start of a new year is exciting. It’s full of promise and idealism for all the things that we might accomplish. I used to think of these new goals at my birthday, preferring instead to think of it as a “new year” for me. But over the last couple of years, that has shifted back to January 1. I also don’t like to think of my goals as resolution, which seems so finite, harsher. Like it’s something we have to achieve. Instead of like to think of making goals to work towards for the year, my intentions. So what are my goals for this year, what do I want t strive for?
Overall, I want to get back to the things I love or things that I’ve done before and for whatever reason haven’t revisited.
Travel to a New Country and (Ideally) Visit Paris Again
Well, this one I make every year. I don’t have one in mind, it may depend upon where my friends want to meet up together or maybe just a city that’s been in my thoughts lately. That worked out really well last year with my trip to Portugal. Already as I’m starting to think of where to travel to, London’s been on my mind a lot these last few weeks.
In addition to what has become a tradition – making a goal to visit a new country – I’d also like to visit Paris again. It’s been over five years since my last – and first – trip there and I think it’s over time to go back. Why do I love Paris so much? Why wouldn’t I? While I definitely want to go back to the Louvre, I’d love to visit the Musée d’Orsay, go to the top of the Eiffel Tower (I went to the top of the Arc de Triomphe), stroll Montmatre and yes, walk again along the banks of the Seine.
Take Tango Classes
I took tango classes in DC as part of ballroom dance lessons (tango may have been my favorite!). I also once discovered the Sunday evening dances at Freedom Plaza, where I am happy to say I did dance a small number of times before I moved away (now that had also been a goal!). But it’s been a few years since I left DC, and I’ve also come across tango-specific lessons here in Dallas that I would love to take. So…why don’t I actually take them?
That’s a good question. And one that I intend to remedy in the new year.
Kayak and/or SUP Again
Yup, two other things I did once, loved it and haven’t done again. Both first time kayaking and first time on a SUP were Groupon specials (thank you, Groupon!) and I thought “This is great! I’ll definitely be back”. Now ideally what I would love to do is go kayaking on a visit back to Montana, gliding over those crystal clear lakes with those giant mountains looming up over the shore, but practice makes perfect. And there are lakes around Dallas…warmer lakes which also might be more conducive to stand-up paddle-boarding.
Writing and Photography
In 2016, I made a goal to make the most of the 2016 Dallas Writers’ Conference, and I definitely got so much more out of my second conference last year. I knew a little bit more of what to expect and it wasn’t so new. Seems obvious, I know. But I very shortly after the conference made plans to attend the 2017 conference. I’m excited to be working on a new project in advance of the conference, and…as scary as this might seem (which is why, of course, I’m posting it so publicly!) I want to participate in one of the workshops. Either a first pages, or query letter…I guess we’ll wait to see what’s offered and how the schedules fit.
Which also brings me to photography. I’ve already to my sister that I want to enter at least one photography contest this year. That may not seem like a lot, but it’s a start. There may be more, but first I’ll be doing research to find the right ones that fit with my photography. I will learn so much from the experience, so if you know of any, please do pass a link along so I can get started with that research!