Continuing to Learn with Fall Workshops

As a perpetual student, September and the transition to fall always makes me nostalgic for back to school. There are certain classes I miss, subjects I’d like to take, and I still love getting new pens and cracking open a new notebook with fresh, smooth pages. But while I don’t have classes in school to attend, I get excited when I see some new workshops at the yoga studio show up on the calendar. And Dallas’ The Mat Yoga Studio has a lot to look forward to in the upcoming months!

At the end of this month – the fourth Saturday – there is another class in the new monthly series on strength and balance. Beginning over the summer, this extended class (75 minutes) breaks down balance poses to help build up to the full expression of the pose, including warm ups targeting those areas that may be activated for the class’ focus pose. The targeted approach like this may help one discover modifications to help access the pose’s expression and still receive some of the benefits of the pose.

Then, in October, there is the next Master Class. Master Classes at the studio can be about a variety of topics, and I’m always looking forward to see what the next one announced offers. The class next month is an “Intro to Yoga for Grief,” and I am certain there will be some valuable takeaways to a subject so many of us have experienced. And leading into the holidays as well, which can be a tough time if one is grieving.

Also in October is another event I so look forward: a sound bath. For me, sound baths offer such a unique experience and valuable time of self-care. The vibrations are unlike anything I can describe, though I have tried before! This intensive will also include some movement before the sound bath, some breath work and meditation.

November begins with what sounds like a great workshop before the busy holiday season: a class titled “Finding Your Sweet Spot,” and learning to move beyond the physical pose with more intentional moving.

And of course, speaking of learning, The Mat’s 200-hour teacher training returns in 2025. In addition to all these amazing events at the studio, there is another upcoming informational session to learn more about the teacher training course. 

Upcoming workshops are included in the studio’s monthly newsletter, which is a wonderful read at the start of each month to begin with. You can also keep an eye on the Workshop page to see what new ones are coming as well as registering for those you are interested in attending. Not only are these opportunities to learn something new, but also a good excuse to find the perfect, new notebook.

This is the part of a series of posts for The Mat Yoga Studio, sharing my thoughts and observations as a student only. The views and opinions are my own experience.


Patricia returned to Texas after spending several years on both coasts. She's a writer, amateur photographer and traveler.

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