Plano Studio Memories

Earlier this summer, The Mat announced the closure of its Plano studio at the end of the summer. Which makes this a bittersweet post to write, the sweetness coming from memories of events and the people at the studio.

I have often written about the amazing community that surrounds The Mat, a community made from the people at both studios. There are individuals you see while attending the same “schedule,” and it’s so fun hearing all the conversation before class starts. I’ve gotten – and given –book recommendations, heard about vacations and, most recently, have started hearing about The Mat’s wonderful retreat in Portugal. With workshops alternating between Dallas and Plano locations over the last several years, it’s been such a great way to bring the communities of these two spaces together even more.

If you’ve practiced at the Plano location, you’ll know the outside area and the lovely tree seen through the floor to ceiling windows. That tree brings so much joy to those practicing there and for me, it’s seeing the the tree reflected in the mirrors or when leaning back in a reverse warrior. Or sometimes, depending on how the teacher orients class, I get to see the tree straight on through my practice. An added benefit? I’ve watched squirrels chase each other around the trunk or a bird dance along the turf edge looking for food and have almost laughed out loud at those scenes. It’s been a great way to bring some nature to one’s practice, even while inside.

Or outside.

The Plano space opened five years ago, just months before the pandemic shut the world down. And while that may have been a challenge in building a community at the start, the studio offered an outside space to practice in once things began to open up. I remember those first tentative classes back inside and around people, but I loved making it to the Plano studio and felt so much more comfortable practicing outside with the fresh air under the tree.

I know that there will be similar community events continuing at the Dallas location – which also has the added benefit of being close to coffee shops and restaurants to continue conversations after class – but there has been something so special about the Plano studio. The days that I attend classes, I look forward to saying hello to the teachers and other students I see regularly and say hello to new faces.

As we look forward to taking class in the next month while the Plano studio is open, what are some of your favorite memories at the Plano studio?

To the friends I’ve made here, I look forward to seeing you at the Dallas studio!

This is the part of a series of posts for The Mat Yoga Studio, sharing my thoughts and observations as a student only. The views and opinions are my own experience.


Patricia returned to Texas after spending several years on both coasts. She's a writer, amateur photographer and traveler.

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