Practice and a Pause

For some time, crow has been a favorite pose for me, and maybe it was because it was one of the first arm balances I felt comfortable doing. But over the years I’ve had time to practice it and it remains one I love hearing an invitation to practice. Over this time, I’ve heard various tips and reminders that have really helped me in the pose and then of course, it’s fun to “fly.”

With the pandemic, admittedly my practice grew to be…less regular at times. In the classes I did take, there was quite a bit of length in between practicing crow. So that when it was offered in a somewhat recent class, it was a different experience. And at first, I was a little surprised by that. I approached crow with that same level of enthusiasm I had for it, but…it was hard. Harder than I remembered. Maybe it was the strength in my arms or my core – or both – but it certainly made me think at first “what am I doing differently?”

Answer? It may not have been anything different, just that I was out of practice with the pose. Which got me thinking. We call yoga a practice. Some days some of the flow will come more readily than others, and that can be due to a variety of factors, both mental and physical. And practice is necessary not just to improve, which in yogic terms I would consider growing, but also to maintain. Like practicing scales in piano. Yes, with my practice as my strength has grown, and I’ve been able to take a more challenging pose or flow, but if I don’t practice…then even those poses I may have taken for granted will be difficult.

But it was also a reminder to accept that some days are going to be different than others. What’s important for me is that I keep practicing. Because when I don’t practice those skills – the way I can hold and feel a pose – may fall away. Practicing is how I will continue to grow.

Speaking of practicing, I will be taking a short pause from these monthly blogs as I continue to “practice” some projects I have ahead of me.

For over four years (yes, four!), I have written these posts for The Mat Yoga Studio and I am so incredibly grateful for this opportunity. Writing these posts has enabled me to share my love for yoga, for this very special studio and community, and explore the practice and philosophies of yoga. And you can be certain that I will be practicing during this pause with, both writing and my yoga practice.

Stay safe and stay well, everyone!

This is the part of a series of posts for The Mat Yoga Studio, sharing my thoughts and observations as a student only. The views and opinions are my own.   


Patricia returned to Texas after spending several years on both coasts. She's a writer, amateur photographer and traveler.

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